Disciplina PCF632 - Fitogeografia do Brasil - PPGCF

Estrutura curricular

Disciplina do PPGCF
PCF632 - Fitogeografia do Brasil

  • Disciplina não obrigatória
  • Início: 01/08/2022
  • Nível: Mestrado e Doutorado
  • Créditos: 4 (Créditos computáveis)
  • Períodos de oferta: 1
  • Ementa
  • Relações entre os elementos fisionômicos, com ênfase nos geomorfológicos e climáticos, e a vegetação brasileira; Origem e formação das vegetações florestais, savânicas e campestres do Brasil; Flutuações da Paleovegetação e Paleoclimas do Quaternário do Brasil; Domínios fitogeográficos brasileiros, Sistemas de classificação da vegetação brasileira.
  • Bibliografia
  • BARNHISEL, R.I., DARMODY, R.G., DANIELS, W.L. Reclamation of Drastically Disturbed Lands. SSA, CSSA, SSSA. Agronomy series number, 41. Madison, USA. 2000. 1082p.

    CHAZDON, R.L. The Promise of Tropical Forest Regeneration In an age of Deforestation. 2014. 472p.

    CRAINE, J.M. Resource Strategies of Wild Plants. 2009. 311p.

    CASTUERA-OLIVEIRA, L.; OLIVEIRA-FILHO, A. T; EISENLOHR, P V.. Emerging hotspots of tree richness in Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras., v. 34, n. 1, p. 117-134, Mar. 2020 . Available from . access on 15 Apr. 2021

    EISENLOHR, P. V. & OLIVEIRA‐FILHO, A. T. Revisiting Patterns of Tree Species Composition and their Driving Forces in the Atlantic Forests of Southeastern Brazil. Biotropica, v.47, n. 6. 2015. https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12254

    HOBBS, R.J.; SUDING, K.N.. New Models for Ecosystem Dynamics and Restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration International. 2013. 366p.

    Lins-e-Silva, A C. B.; Ferreira, P. S. M.; Rodal, M. J. N. The North-Eastern Atlantic Forest: Biogeographical, Historical, and Current Aspects in the Sugarcane Zone. In: The Atlantic Forest, ed. Marques, M. C M & Grelle, C. E. pp. 45-61. 2021 doi 10.1007/978-3-030-55322-7.

    Majumdar, S.K.;. Miller, W. E & Brenner, F.J. (Eds.). The Pennsylvania Academy of Science. Pennsylvania, USA. (Cap. 31) p. 470-488. 1996.

    PALMER, M.A.; ZEDLE, J.B.; FALK, D.A.; HOLL, K. Foundations of Restoration Ecology: The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration Series. 2nd Edition. Society for Ecological Restoration International. 2016. 584p.

    PLA, L, CASANOVES, F.; DI RIENZO, J. Quantifying Functional Biodiversity. Springer. 2012. 98p. Richardson, D.M. Fifty years of invasion ecology. 2011. 458p.

    RIEGER, J.; STANLEY, J.; TRAYNOR, R. Project Planning and Management for Ecological Restoration: The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration Series. None Edition. Society for Ecological Restoration International. 2014. 320p.

    RODRIGUES, R.R.; MARTINS, S.V.; GANDOLFI, S. High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in Brazil. 1 ed. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2007. v. 1. 273p .

    ROSS, C.A. Invasion success by plant breeding. 2009. 103p. Shugart, H.H. A Theory of Forest Dynamics: The Ecological Implications of Forest Succession Models Paperback. 2003. 278p.

    TONGWAY , D. J.; LUDWING, J. A. Restoring Disturbed Landscapes: Putting Principles into Practice (The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration Series). None Edition. Society for Ecological Restoration International. 216p. 2010.

    URBANSKA, K.M., WEBB, N.R., EDWARDS, P.J. Restoration Ecology and Sustainable Development. Cambridge. 1997. 397p.

    WALI, M.K. Ecosystem Rehabilitation, vol. 2. Ecosystem Analysis and Synthesis. SPB Academic Publishing by The Hague. Netherlands. 1992. 273p.