Disciplina do PPGCF
PPV690 - Mudanças Climáticas e Modelagem Espaço Temporal na Agricultura
JØRGENSEN, SVEN ERIK, and GIUSEPPE BENDORICCHIO. Fundamentals of ecological modelling. Vol. 21. Elsevier, 2001.
BARRY S. and ELITH J. Error and uncertainty in habitat models. (2006). Journal of Applied Ecology. 43, 413–423
BEGON M., TOWNSEND C.R., Harper J.L. (2006). ECOLOGY From Individuals to Ecosystems. Fourth Edition. 759p.
LANGE H. Time-series Analysis in Ecology. (2005). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES. doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0003276.
SHAPIR A.M. The fundamental and realized niche of a solitary population. (1973). The American Naturalist. 232-235.