Estrutura curricular

Disciplina do PPGPV

  • Disciplina não obrigatória
  • Início: 01/03/2018
  • Nível: Mestrado e Doutorado
  • Créditos: 4 (Créditos computáveis)
  • Períodos de oferta: 0
  • Ementa
  • Artigo científico, suas características e especificidades. Técnicas de redação e estruturação. Importância de citar trabalhos indexados. Como preparar o artigo. Como preparar tabelas e ilustrações. Escolha da revista. Qualis e fator de impacto. Tradução para o Inglês. Erros na utilização de termos específicos. Ética na publicação. Submissão de artigos. Resposta aos Revisores.
  • Bibliografia
  • Bibliografia recomendada 1. Alexandrov, A.V. 2004. How to write a research paper. Cerebrovascular Diseases 18: 135-138. 2. Alexandrov, A.V., Hennerici M.G., Norming B. 2009. Suggestions for reviewing manuscripts. Cerebrovascular Diseases 28: 243-246. 3. Andonie, R., Dzitac, I. 2010. How to write a good paper in computer science and how will it be measured by ISI Web of Knowledge. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 5: 432-446. 4. Azevedo, L.F., Canário-Almeidaa, F., Almeida Fonseca, J.A., Costa-Pereira, A., Winck, J.C., Hespanholb,V. 2011. How to write a scientific paper - Writing the methods section. Revista Portuguesa Pneumologia 17: 232-238. 5. Bower, J.R. 2011. Four principles to help non-native speakers of English write clearly. Fisheries Oceonagraphy 20: 89-91. 6. Carraway, L.N. 2009. Content and organization of a scientific paper. The American Midland Naturalist 161: 371-379. 7. Carraway, L.N. 2006. Improve scientific writing and avoid perishing. The American Midland Naturalist 155: 371-382. 8. Day, R.A. 1994. How to write and publish a scientific paper. The Oryx Press. 223p. 9. Doblecki, W. 1993. How to write the results section of a scientific paper - discussion section. Journal of Endodontics 19: 480-480. 10. Donovan, S.K. 2009. How to write and illustrate a scientific paper, 2nd edition. Journal of Scholarly Publishing 40: 448-452. 11. Fridlund, B. 2006. Writing a scientific manuscript: Some formal and informal proposals. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 5: 185-187. 12. Gustavii, B. 2008. How to write and illustrate a scientific paper. 168p. 13. Hart G. 2010. How to write and illustrate a scientific paper, 2nd edition. Technical Communication 56: 298-299. 14. Kalpakjian C.Z. & Meade M. 2008. Writing manuscripts for peer review: your guide to not annoying reviewers and increasing your chances of success. Sex Disabil 26: 229–240. 15. Laniado, M. 1996. How to present research data consistently in a scientific paper. European Radiology 6: S16-S18. 16. Leach, R.E. 2002. How to write a scientific paper. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 10: 228-233. 17. Lin, K., Sisako, S., Horak, J. 2010. Studies in the theory of scientific research. Part 1. Theory of information transfer by scientific publications: Basic rules to optimize the effect of scientific communication. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 24: 3-7. 18. Mungra, P. 2010. Teaching writing of scientific abstracts in English: CLIL methodology in an integrated English and Medicine course. IBERICA 20: 151-165. 19. Nair, P.K.R. 2005. How (not) to write research papers in agroforestry. Agroforestry Systems 64: v–xvi. 20. Nelson, P.L. 2001. The technical writing of scientific papers. American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology 41: 256-265. 21. Singer, A.J. & Hollander, J.E. 2009. How to write a manuscript. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 36: 89–93.