Disciplina do PPGPV
PPV692 - Bioquímica e Metabolismo de Plantas
LODISH, Harvell [et al.]. Biologia celular e molecular. 7 ed. Porto Alegre, Artmed, 2014, recurso online ISBN 9788582710500.
NELSON, David L. [et al.]. Princípios de bioquímica de Lehninger. 7 ed. Porto Alegre, ArtMed, 2018, recurso online ISBN 9788582715345.
TAIZ, Lincoln, [et al.]. Fisiologia e desenvolvimento vegetal. 6 ed. Porto Alegre, ArtMed 2017, recurso online ISBN 9788582713679.
ALBERTS, Bruce [et al.]. Biologia molecular da célula. 6 ed. Porto Alegre, ArtMed, 2017, recurso online ISBN 9788582714232.
VOET, Donald [et al.]. Bioquímica. 4 ed. Porto Alegre, ArtMed, 2013, recurso online ISBN 9788582710050.
BUCHANAN, B.B., GRUISSEM, W., JONES, R.L. 2015. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants. 2nd Edition. American Society for Plant Physiologists, Rockville, Maryland.EUA
KREBS, Jocelyn E. [et al.]. Lewin's GENES XII, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017, 838p., ISBN 1284104494.
ALBERTS, Bruce [et al.]. Fundamentos da biologia celular. 4 ed. Porto Alegre, ArtMed, 2017, recurso online ISBN 9788582714065.
Artigos publicados nos seguintes periódicos: Cell, Embo Journal, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Molecular Cell, Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, Nature Cell Biology, Nucleic Acid Research, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, eLife, Science, Scientific Reports, Journal Experimental Botany, Theoretical Applied Genetics, Trends in Biotechnology, Trends in Cell Biology, Trends in Plant Science, Frontiers in Plant Science, Journal of Biology Chemistry, Plos Genetics, Annual Review of Genetics, Journal of Molecular Biology, Journal of Cell Biology, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, entre outros.